Upcoming Programs, Workshops and Retreats

Below are upcoming events I will either be facilitating or guest speaking at. I hope to see you there!

“I have had the pleasure of teaching with Lori at the Modern Elder Academy. She is both an exceptionally articulate speaker and a kind and compassionate facilitator. Through her warmth, wisdom and clarity, she is a catalyst for helping people realize their true potential.”

– Chip Conley, Hospitality Entrepreneur and Bestselling Author

Awake in the Wild: Mindfulness in Nature as a Doorway to Joy, Wisdom, and Wonder

With Mark Coleman 
September 20 – 22, 2024

Do you love the beauty of the outdoors and delight in the wonder of nature? Do you want to learn how to meditate outdoors? Would you like practices to stay grounded, connected, and open-hearted in life? Then what better place to discover all this than in the majesty of the Big Sur coastline, where we are serenaded by the lulling sounds of the ocean, cradled by rolling hills, and uplifted by exquisite gardens?

Following ancient spiritual traditions that value the transformative power of nature, this experiential workshop will be spent entirely outdoors to explore embodied sensory practices in the natural beauty and mystery of Esalen. Whether during a sunset meditation as we listen to the soothing waves or while we sit graced by the stillness of cypress trees, we will open to the profound serenity and wisdom of nature.

You will learn about the practice of mindfulness — the capacity to be present to ourselves and our environment — and how it supports a rich, contemplative relationship with nature. You will discover how meditative time outdoors leads to beautiful states of joy, peace, wonder, and love. You will also experience greater connection with yourself, with others, and with the larger web of life.

Recommended reading: Awake in the Wild and A Field Guide to Nature Meditation by Mark Coleman

Thanksgiving Exclusive: Exploring Wisdom of Gratitude & Teachings of Nature

With Mark Coleman, Teddi Dean & Caitlin Allen
Nov 25 – Nov 30, 2024 in Baja, Mexico

If you are searching for ways to open your heart and deepen your gratitude for all the myriad aspects of your life, its seasons and cycles, lulls and storms, there is no better teacher than nature.

When you strengthen your sense of connection with the natural world around you – the sky, the elements, the greater forces that are all around us – your mindset broadens and gratitude blossoms in your heart as you experience the vast beauty of the world and understand that you are part of something so much larger than yourself.

American Thanksgiving week is a powerful time to tap into the wisdom that nature has to offer. By recognizing that you are an integral part of the natural world, you deepen your appreciation of everything you have to be grateful for and cultivate a profound sense of awe and connectedness that helps you embrace all aspects of your life, with all of its beauty and complexity.

Past Events

Humanize Dyad Program

With Lori Schwanbeck  
January 24 – March 20, 2024

Longing to connect more deeply with yourself, others, and the world? Curious about the next wave of interpersonal mindfulness practice? Interested in cultivating more resilience and emotional intelligence? You are invited to join my next Humanize Dyad Program.

Humanize has pioneered a new daily practice called the “Dyad,” in which two people get together virtually and take turns reflecting on daily challenges & gratitudes while the other person simply listens deeply and empathetically. Though it takes less than 15 minutes/day, the Dyad quickly builds human connection. In the words of one participant, “In this short time, my ability to be present with myself and my Dyad partner has upleveled my ability to be present with others in my life.”

The online course will run for 9 weeks, featuring a small intimate group of participants practicing the 15-minute/daily Dyads with each other and receiving weekly group coaching. I will facilitate this transformative Humanize Program every Wednesday from January 24 – March 20, at 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM PST To enroll in the program, sign up via the link in comments and use my Discount Code: LORIS45 for 45 Dollars off. Feel free to reach out to support@humanize.com or me with questions.

GAIA: An In-person Daylong Retreat

With Christine Benvenuto  
September 29, 2023

You are invited to GAIA, an experiential in-person daylong retreat where we will:

Gather with a council of wise women (you)
Acknowledge our emotions, and Attune to the larger web of life,
Imagine and Inspire possibilities,… and commit to



Why gather for GAIA?

We are in a time of deep instability as the world is rapidly changing.  Constant environmental crises, an ever-mutating virus, international political instability, ideological polarization, and the rise of AI all threaten life as we know it.  For many, given the prevailing tone of physical, planetary, and existential uncertainty, overwhelm is common and it is becoming difficult to stay engaged, emotionally resilient, and aligned with a direction that feels purposeful.

Our GAIA retreat will orient us to our evolutionary drive of creativity and adaptability which lives through us and all of nature.  Through remembering the strengths we embody from our ancestral lineage, we awaken resources, vision, and possibility.   By attuning to our felt sense of belonging within the larger web of life, our perspective expands. This expansion helps to regulate emotions and reignites our innate capacity to act from a place of compassion, inspiration, and wisdom.  This allows us to live creatively and intentionally in service to life.

Leading through Uncertainty: Influencing With Intention

Baja Workshops Experience
With Rafael Cordova  
August 13 – 20, 2023

The world needs skillful leadership. Times of change or uncertainty can create anxiety and an impulse to ‘play it safe’ and stay in our comfort zones. Yet each one of us is called to step into our capacity to cultivate lives of impact and intention. Upleveling your skills in self-awareness, communication, emotional intelligence, and compassion matters now more than ever.

Be ready to step into your full power as a conscious, mindful leader, and commit to building lives of purpose and possibility. In this dynamic and experiential workshop you will:

  • Learn mindfulness practices that cultivate deeper self-awareness, increase engagement, and prevent burnout.
  • Learn the neuroscience of motivation and how to activate different motivation systems in yourself and others.
  • Train your mind to cultivate a challenge-ready mindset.
  • Discover how ‘soft skills’ are really hard-wired in our brains.
  • Learn how to lead with compassion – the leadership skill most needed right now.
  • Build a toolkit of accessible and impactful mindfulness practices ready to use (and share!) throughout your day, in the office, and in your life.

Awake in the Wild: Meditation in Nature

With Mark Coleman  
October 7 – 10, 2022

Are you longing to be in the beauty of the outdoors and relish in the wonder of nature? After a long year spent looking at too many screens, step outside and meditate, serenaded by the lulling sounds of the ocean, cradled by rolling hills, and uplifted by exquisite gardens.

Following ancient spiritual traditions that value the transformative power of nature, this experiential workshop will be spent meditating entirely outdoors among the natural beauty and mystery of Esalen. Whether under a blazing sunset or in the stillness of cypress trees, we will open to the profound serenity and wisdom of nature. We will cultivate mindfulness — being present to ourselves while developing a contemplative relationship with nature. This leads to beautiful states of joy, peace, wonder, love and connection with oneself, one another and the larger web of life.

Fully Alive in Nature

With Laurie Cameron  
July 21-25, 2022

In this time of constant change, many of us are longing to connect to a feeling of being grounded and optimistic. Join us at Canyon Ranch Woodside, a short distance from LA and San Francisco, to experience research-backed practices designed to cultivate a calm center and a positive outlook. Learn embodied guided meditations, movement, and contemplative tools to open the heart and uplift the mind. We will use nature as an ally for deepening wisdom, connecting with the body, sparking aliveness, and expanding the heart. Together, we will co-create a field of connection where insight and healing can emerge.

Awake in the Wild Meditation Retreat: Opening to Joy, Wonder and Awe in Nature

With Mark Coleman and Teja Bell
May 06 – 08, 2022

Are you ready to enter into the beauty and serenity of nature at Esalen? In this mindfulness in nature workshop, you will spend the entire time meditating and opening the senses in the stunning natural beauty of the Big Sur coast. Developing a sensory, embodied attention in the outdoors will open you to beautiful states of joy, delight, and wonder.

In these uncertain times, where so much of our lives are lived virtually, it is vital we stay connected to our own bodies and the body of the earth to access wisdom and perspective.


Mindfulness in Nature as a Path to Self Discovery

With Mark Coleman  
Apr 21 – 24, 2022

Are you longing to let go of the stress, busyness, and distractions of life and reconnect to a more nourishing rhythm where calm, clarity and wisdom can be cultivated? Join us as we drop in, leave the digital world and re-engage with the natural world to realign, resource, and rejuvenate. To find balance in this age of artificial intelligence, we will build your emotional intelligence, using nature-based mindfulness practices to give you the human nature advantage. You will calm the mind, open the heart and reawaken your senses. Come celebrate Earth Day with us!

Join us for a potent time full of playful discovery, quiet contemplation, and personal inquiry.

Deepening through Nature

With Laurie Cameron
Nov 11 – 15, 2021

Our world moves so rapidly that we can go from achieving one goal to the next without much thought. But is that the best way to experience a life well-lived?

The beauty, wonder, and resilience found in nature offers us a different perspective on living life fully. Join us to discover how to use nature as an ally for deepening wisdom, connecting with the body, sparking inspiration, and expanding the heart. Guest mindfulness experts Lori Schwanbeck and Laurie Cameron will create an experience for connection where learning, gratitude, and healing can emerge.


Awakening Joy and Wonder: A Mindfulness in Nature Retreat

With Mark Coleman  
Sept 10 – 12, 2021

In these volatile and uncertain times, where so much of our lives are lived virtually, it is vital we stay connected to our own bodies and the body of the earth to access wisdom and perspective.

Opening the senses, the heart, and the mind to the wonder of nature revitalizes and reconnects us to our aliveness. During our time together, we will use nature to cultivate a receptive, embodied quality of attention where states of joy, awe, and wonder will increase your capacity for well-being and inspired action.


Spring Renewal Gathering

With Laurie Cameron  
April 24, 2021 | 9am PDT

Join Lori Schwanbeck and Laurie Cameron as we gather our community of Fully Alive practitioners for an hour of practice to refresh and revitalize. Nature will be our guide as we open to the vibrancy and beauty of Spring through sensory practices, discovering wonder, and feeling joy. The offering is free, and we welcome those who’ve participated in our retreats and those who are new to the Fully Alive gatherings.

The Nature Summit

An Online Event
May 11 – 17, 2021 

Join an extraordinary group of 30+ speakers for an important conversation about nature and our planet. Learn from renowned authors, scientists, mindfulness and meditation teachers, artists, environmentalists, activists, indigenous elders, and more. Watch all 30+ sessions from your computer, phone, or tablet. Bring the Summit with you anywhere. Enjoy each day’s presentations any time of day or night for 48 hours absolutely free with an option to buy extended viewing rights for life.

Back To Life!

With Mark Coleman
June 3 – 6, 2021

An immersive experience of connection to ourselves, other people, and nature through contemplative practices and fantastic food at Camp Earnest in Twain Harte, California.

As the world starts to open up again, we’re all feeling a little depleted, emerging from our online lives with a longing to reawaken a connection with life and with each other.

Come join us for a vibrant weekend of nourishment, nature, and community. Together we will explore the beauty of the wilderness, rekindle the art of human connection, and cultivate mindfulness through meditation and sensory awareness practice outdoors.

Fireside Chat

With Laurie Cameron  
February 26, 2021 | 12pm EST

Join Lori Schwanbeck and Laurie Cameron for a fireside chat and practice time. We will be LIVE for 30 minutes on Friday, Feb. 26th  at 9:00 am PST on Zoom, sharing practices and answering questions about our upcoming retreat “The Art and Science of being Fully Alive”.

The Art and Science of Being Fully Alive: Spring Retreat

An Online Event
March 13, 2021 | 8am – 2pm

You are invited on a journey to rekindle your aliveness, vitality, and sense of possibility.  During times of change, challenge, and uncertainty, humans have gathered round the fire for reflection, to share wisdom, and feel the support of connection.  During our retreat, we will circle around our virtual hearth and explore ways to creatively meet the challenges and opportunities of this threshold time.  Using practices of meditation, self-compassion, inquiry, and nature-based mindfulness we will reconnect with what is most alive in our bodies, our hearts, and our relationships.

Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute Public Program

Effective Teaming
Mar 17, 23 & Apr 19, 2021

Search Inside Yourself was developed inside Google. Now, it’s available to everyone. Learn practical skills to build a thriving team environment based on trust, psychological safety, empathy, and inclusion.

Based on neuroscience and modern behavioral research, this 3-hour interactive online program will help you improve communication, strengthen relationships and develop high-performing, connected teams


Midlife deserves its own reflections,
rituals and relevance.

Nov 3-10, 2019

We’re tired of the old version of retirement, reverence and irrelevance. So, we’ve reclaimed “elder.” A Modern Elder is the perfect alchemy of curious and wise, with curiosity leading to expansive inquiry while wisdom distills what’s essential. But it’s only through cultivating our wisdom, building emotional intelligence, strengthening intergenerational collaboration, and finding a deeper meaning in our work and personal lives, that we become modern elders. MEA is a place and a school with its own unique curriculum and celebrations for this time of life, so we can all “grow whole, not old.”

Join us this week to connect more deeply with nature inside and out, and integrate mindfulness into your life.


LinkedIn Day of Compassion at Wisdom 2.0  
June 26-17, 2019

We will gather leaders from various fields to explore wise, clear, and compassionate leadership in the modern age.

What you will learn:

  • Being a witness to your own thoughts and responding versus reacting
  • Engaging and Supporting Teams
  • The role of Empathy and Compassion
  • The power of connection and psychological safety in teams
  • Fostering a creative work environment through compassion

Join us for the Compassion in Leadership Summit.
(in Partnership with LinkedIn)


Restore your human nature and reclaim
your natural intelligence.

Winter 2019

Are you longing to let go of the stress, busyness, and distractions of life and reconnect to a more nourishing rhythm where calm, clarity and wisdom can be cultivated? Join us as we drop in, leave the digital world and re-engage with the natural world to realign, resource, and rejuvenate. To find balance in this age of artificial intelligence, we will build your emotional intelligence, using nature-based mindfulness practices to give you the human nature advantage. You will calm the mind, open the heart and reawaken your senses.

Join us for a potent time full of playful discovery, quiet contemplation, and personal inquiry.

What I have learned is that people become motivated when you guide them to the source of their own power and when you make heroes out of employees who personify what you want to see in the organization.

– Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop

“Learning SIY from Lori made me feel a sense of accomplishment towards understanding myself. She was humble and modest in her presentation. Her words and actions demonstrated how she embodied what she taught to us. She is my inspiration and role model. Thank you for bringing the joy of discovering my strength and offering me the attitude of freedom to offer my kindness in the service to my children in school and beyond.”


Principal, Gelephu Middle Secondary School, Sarpang District, Bhutan